How to Fix Why Gmail not receiving emails


We found many times that users were frustrated only when they did not receive an email in their Gmail account. They tried to find out what happened to them in the Internet jungle. But at the end users were not satisfied with their results. If you have some basic knowledge of Gmail, it will be very easy.
Follow these simple and easy step for resolve your Problem:Case 1. Firstly, Visit your Gmail Inbox, Check your spam along with trash folder. As things to go when you don't receive an email then that email you will find in spam folders.
Case 2. You can also search for an email which you want to search in the search box by entering the name of the sender.
Case 3. Set your Inbox type of your account as the default. By navigating to the Gmail Settings.
Case 4. Along with that. Do an extra activity is trying to clear all or delete all sort of filters present in your Gmail account.
Case 5. May be there is the different case with you If you have forwarding account setup in your Gmail account on which all your incoming messages are being forwarded without your knowledge.
Case 6: If you are using Third party client services like webmail client to access your Gmail Account. We recommend you to stop using it and access your Gmail account either on your desktop or on your mobile through Gmail app.
Case 7. As you know, Gmail provides 15gb of space to each Gmail account. If your account get full and there is no space left for more incoming Messages then you have to delete unnecessary emails from your account. After that your Gmail Account automatically start receiving Incoming Email.

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